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Staple Set Brushes

Stapled set (tufted) brushes are made by stapling tufts of filaments into pre-drilled blocks of plywood, hardwood, nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene, rubber or leather.

The doubled over tuft is secured with a staple at the base of the pre drilled hole. The brush filaments are then trimmed or cut to the required height at a separate trimming station, this type of brush offers the customer a wider range of individual brush design options from single tuft to complex multiple row brush designs. 

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Wood, plastic and metal block brushes

Block brushes are the most common type of staple brush and are available in the widest range of sizes and shapes. Tufts can be placed in a straight pattern (rows parallel to the edge of the block) or a staggered pattern (alternating offset rows). The block can be made of wood, plastic, leather, aluminum or any other material. The final configuration can be strips or flat blocks of almost any shape or size. The density of filaments and tufts can vary depending on the application. The block can also be drilled or machined to accommodate mounting holes. JHX Brush is able to design and manufacture any custom block brush to suit a customer's application.

Block brushes are the most common type of staple brush and are available in the widest range of sizes and shapes. Tufts can be placed in a straight pattern (rows parallel to the edge of the block) or a staggered pattern (alternating offset rows). The block can be made of wood, plastic, leather, aluminum or any other material. The final configuration can be strips or flat blocks of almost any shape or size. The density of filaments and tufts can vary depending on the application. The block can also be drilled or machined to accommodate mounting holes. JHX Brush is able to design and manufacture any custom block brush to suit a customer's application.

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